The Q masthead is placed in the left top corner as usually for Q magazines which makes it recognizable very easily. Editors decided to use sexual design for this issue to attract more male audience through choosing a topless model and writting "sexy beast" as as title.The main photo is long shot. The front cover designed very well as we can see all titles clearly and easily understandable. From the main title we can guess that the main article will be about Lily Allen becuase it is the biggest title on the page . The two black panthers represent characteristics of the singer as a dangerous woman. I would say that audience of this issue are male 17+ mostly but also there are some intresting topics for female as well. To attract more audience there is an exclusive interview, reviews and sticker on which says "The 25 greatest rock movies". The colours used are blue, red, white and black.
XXL magazine always use the same masthead for every issue, so it became very famous and easily recognizable. The picture covers up a lit bit of the XXL logo but it isn't a big deal because audience will recognize it anyway. Magazines always put a picture of a singer about which the main topics will be about and in this on is Lil Wayne. He is one of the symbols of Hip-Hop/Rap music our days so he is shown in close up as a cool person with lots of tattoos and angry facial expression. The background is a white wall which doesn't attract attention but colourful titles change it. The colours used for titles are blue and black which suits the white background very well. The XXL logo is red and it makes it highlighted. The audience of this issue are male and female 15-25 because in Hip-Hop teenagers and young adults are intrested mostly. For people who doesn't like Lil Wayne there a list of singers which are in magazine as well.
All three magazines have the same style of putting barcodes of pages; bottom corner, left or right side.
A good start to textual analysis. Your comments on NME could be more detailed though